People normally agree it is after 34 that it is tricky for oneself to understand things as you don´t see big changes day by day, but something slightly...off. You need good friends and BIG mirrors!
I think that someone who accepts their age is more pleasing than someone who tries to dress younger. But everyone's different.
People first grew aware of being older; they worried a lot about "pulling things off" and the rules. Now I don't really care. It doesn't matter if you are 18 or 38, but if you dress with aptitude and knowledge of your own body and proclivities and lifestyle, what you wear will make sense for you.
In this over-teenagerized world the beauty of a grown up woman is sometimes minimized, but that doesn´t diminish at all its magnificence. I have never looked back, and I feel more comfortable with myself now than ever, but sometimes it can be not easy for women to see role models in the media who really embrace and love their age without fighting silly battles to stop the unstoppable and to make youth longer.
From the people in the streets you can get the most innocent opinion of your image as sometimes people just say things like: you look younger, etc just as a compliment but a woman looks so silly when she says :Everybody tells me I look younger...
"You look younger it´s a rather pitiful compliment."
"You look great! That´s a great one..."
Love your mid 30’s as how you loved your teen. Gather friends and enjoy your life with the trend that makes you more comfort at that time. Also mark your presence with the elegant dresses. Try to be a role model to your daughter as they are the precious gifts for you. “Mom, you look great….” These words from your loved daughters are more precious than to dress younger.
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